At our next meeting (Tuesday, October 19 at 6:45), we will be participating in the Dahlathon that's sweeping the US and UK. Everyone should choose three books by Roald Dahl to discuss at the meeting. (Janet will be reading Boy, The BFG and The Enormous Crocodile.) Download the Official Reading Journal -- -- to keep track of your books and to just have fun!
Sure, we could all agree on three books to read together, but it seems so much more gloriumptious -- and chaotic -- if we all read our own. I know Roald Dahl would be proud of us.
There are so many fun things on his site-- -- including a Buckswashling Book Chooser to help you pick your three books.
For reading the three books, each member of our club will be eligible for awards from the Dahlathon: a free book, a certificate and a medal. It will just be....scrumdiddlyumptious!