Thursday, June 23, 2011

Next Meeting, Next Book


My ears are still ringing from our last meeting, but we must look forward!

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 19 at 6:45. The book is Skellig by David Almond. Let me know if you need a copy.

Some questions for you to think about: 
  • Why did Skellig come into Michael's life? 
  • What effect does he have? 
  • Do you think he'll come back? 
  • What does Skellig look like?

There's some interesting info on the author's  website. There's also a  TV movie of it which we could watch before or after.

See you next month!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Meeting Next Tuesday

(Creepy picture of a creepy book, no?)

Just a reminder that we'll be talking about Jade Green at our meeting next Tuesday (the 21st) at 6:45. Please come prepared to talk about the book. I'd also like for everyone to talk about their favorite ghost story and favorite scary movie.

I don't want to give anything away. But let me just say that we'll have a birthday girl in our midst and there might be treats involved.

Next book: Skellig!