Before I close down the "Make a Difference Book Club" blog I wanted to reach out to you all one more time.
We could really use your help during the summer. Tasks range from making popcorn for Friday movies to helping to prepare experiments for science camp. Think confirmation, honor society, community serve hours.
Here is a very last minute opportunity, we could use someone between 5'3" and 5'7" to wear the Piggie (half of Mo Willems' popular Elephant and Piggie duet) costume. The event is this Saturday from 10:00 to 12:00. The costumes are big, hot and heavy so there are many breaks. If two of you would like to volunteer the person wearing the Elephant costume needs to be between 5'8" and 6' tall.
If anyone is interested contact me ASAP.
Hope you had a great school year and here's to a WONDERFUL summer!
Mrs Khost