Monday, November 21, 2011

Our Next Book Club Meeting

Hello to eveyone,

Are you ready to eat your Thanksgiving feast? After feasting hope you will enjoy reading Abarat. Try to get past the pictures if you think they're creepy, I think you will like the story. Right Patrick? Patrick finished it and thought it was great.

Our next meeting will be December 14th @ 6:45. Since it's close to the holidays maybe we should have hot chocolate instead of tea.

Happy Turkey Day!

Monday, November 7, 2011

We Came , We saw and We Conquered!

I hope all who went to NYC on Saturday enjoyed themselves, I certainly did.  It was fun to see some of the places that were in the Night Tourist.  Thanks Hannah for finding the stained bit of the ceiling, I would never have been able to find it.  While I am on the topic of thanking, if you have an opportunity, please thank Anne's and Hannah's Moms and Patrick's Uncle for coming with us.

It was a really pleasure to spent time with you, you all were cooperative, flexible and pleasant with each other and with the adults.  And you were real troopers (someone who deals with and persists through hardship or difficulty without conplaint) during the craziness at the bus terminal.  Thank you all.

Now on to the next book club meeting.  I don't think we settled on a date, does December 7th or 14th work? Let me know your thoughts.  There are copies of Abarat  at the library, let me know if you will be coming in to get one.  Patrick has started it and says he really likes it.

Enjoy the nice weather,
Mrs Khost

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tomorrow's the Day!

Are you ready for tomorrow's trip?  Or should I say is NYC ready for us?
Patrick and his Uncle will be joining us, welcome.
Last minute reminders:

Bring enough money for bus fare ($7.50 each way) and lunch.  It is not a good idea to bring a lot of money with you, so if you plan on buying anything please limit it to small purchases.

We are taking the 9:00 am bus. Please be there by 8:45 am so we have plenty of time to buy our tickets.

The weather for tomorrow is suppose to be nice, but on the cool side. Make sure you wear something warm enough.  And remember we will be doing a lot of walking.

We will be meeting the NYC Public Library Children's librarian at 10:30 for a tour.  Then unto Grand Central Terminal.

Get plenty of sleep tonight and I will see you in the morning.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Grand Central Terminal or Bust!

Did you notice in the header I called it Grand Central Terminal not Grand Central Station?  Grand Central Station became Grand Central Terminal in 1913 when the station was rebuilt for the newfangled electric trains. People have been using the wrong name for 98 years!

As Janet would say, our merry band going on Saturday will be:
                         Anne and her Mom
                         Hannah and her Mom
                         Michele and her Mom
If you would like to go and haven't let me know, please email me asap.  Also if I haven't heard from a parent have them email or call the library.

The weather is suppose to be great Saturday so get your walking shoes ready.
Hope everyone's electricity is back on and ready for school tomorrow.
Ms Khost ( Deborah)